I will be returning back to the OCB Mid-Atlantic Classic this year. I am THRILLED! I am in Australia training (I'm here for an internship), and it's mentally tougher than last year since I don't have the family and friend support system as I did last year. But I am really hitting hard with my diet right now. I want to come in 3%. Last year I had way to much bodyfat (less than 6%), so I know to get a higher placing, I got to hit it hard!
This week I'm hitting it big with my fiber, veggies and protein. I'm on day 3 of no carb, and I feel fine. I'm curious how often I should hit my cardio to ensure I don't "overtrain" on this no carb diet.
Do you guys go for a specific calorie burn? Like I shoot for 500 calories to burn each session. Is this too little? Should I up it? Also, do you guys use mod intensity or HIIT?
Great to hear you are doing the show again, and I give you credit for training abroad, LOL.
Personally, I am not a fan of zero carb dieting. I feel you are setting yourself up to lose muscle when you have zero carbs, and are training for a contest. Its best to cycle carbs, low, medium and high days. Just my two cents.
Here's my take. You really need to dial in the calories and macros and don't skimp the carbs too low because they will fuel you training. Eat clean, complex, low GI carbs for the most part and keep your weights AHAP (as heavy as possible) in a decent rep range.
Don't overdo cardio but if you need a lot of it, go lower intensity because you don't want it to undermine your weight training. Save the HIIT for the last bit of your bf.
Use pics and set a goal to beat the look of last year. When you hit your goal, seek perfection.
Have fun on your journey. Looking forward to seeing your performance this year. -Dwayne
Ahh...recovery....Don't believe the hype; you are a machine.
Thanks Dwayne. I printed out last year's pictures of me and I have it in my pocket. I also printed out your pic because your conditioning was amazing. Thus you won. I keep the pics in my pocket. So whenever, I have an urge to cheat, I look at the pictures to remind myself to keep to my diet. It's working.
Also, as for my diet, I'm feeling great. I'm able to push myself hard in the gym, keeping my strength and have plenty of energy. Looks like it's working for me.